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Butterball Cookies

A Bakery Copycat

"Mimicry is the purest form of flattery."

Before I was a world-famous baker (if only) on my own, I used to work at a local bakery called Some Crust in the most adorable college town of Claremont, California. As an employee, we were allowed a free pastry every day that we worked.

It's probably lucky that I was a 20-something at the time, and that I stood and moved a lot at that job, because I took them up on that offer! I tried every cookie, pastry, sandwich and cupcake that they offered. It was research, ok!? Lol, no really, it kind of was research.

I didn't grow up being allowed many sweets and this was a European bakery besides. I wanted to sample everything new that I could! Through that process, I found many favorite items, but a few stood out: the mouth-watering buttery croissant, the maple oatmeal scone and the dark-chocolate Butterball cookie, the latter being what I want to share with you today!

Fluffy powdered sugar covered cookies with chocolate chips

This cookie is a little pillow of buttery goodness. It has large chunks of dark chocolate inside and is dusted with a lovely soft coating of powered sugar outside. I've been playing around with the recipe and I think I have a pretty close copycat. At the very least, it's a delightful little treat either way.

I hope you try and enjoy it. If you do, I'd love to hear what you think of it. Drop me an email or leave a comment below.

Happy baking!


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